Post Cacheblog
Background posts repository, storage depot for general photo information, testing ground for rotational pixs, experimental gifs, server pressure point failures, transfer support materials, site crash restoration & props, leftover HTML repair parts, loose ends from mainblog mis-management, catch-all basinblog, etc.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Polka-dot Posy
~This is a polka-dot plant.. in bloom? It's a tiny flower and the only one on the whole big collection of varrigated leaves! Must be somehow, truly special. Googled it for a long time but I didn't find much in the way of good information. I also looked for more buds and could not find another single one? ~(:-_))-kfh
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Paint Job

~ This restoration is slightly pitted on the chrome and creates an old feel that antique furniture dealers look for. Origional finish value sky rockets price, for some collectors but not the case for old cars. I was experimenting with photo reflections but you would be very surprised at how marvelous this 1938 Buick rides.
~ Our roads have improved greatly.. todays ride quality is good... but some where in the spring of things, the mass of parts that move; the way we bounce and flex our frame-less rides__ older cars were built for their buyers and that's the secret "Why?". ~(:-_))-kfh
Monday, June 05, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Tomatos in Flower

~Flowering yellow buds will do their instinctive best to make more or less seeds for next year's same. I hope to eat my fair share of red jucicy home-grown tomatoes; thick sliced on top of toasted white bread; melted down with 'some-gooey' cheese & included within that replete of God's grace__ a few times this August!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Knot's Refuge

~At first I thought that the realtime histogram photo feature had little value__ if any. Now I think: contrast in equal balance is not the desired result but just the starting point for a unique photo expression. You can take this a bit far out... like I like to do? This shot's contrast is beyond full detail yet worth a digit stream, anyway.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
She's Got Legs...

~"Behold this little beauty: looks so good__ as the Zz Top title suggests?" Fashion designers just love for their female models to have those kind of forever long legs. A'bet she can jump, too. I'll pass on a taste though... for now, I'm not that hungry!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Finger Winger

Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Old Floppy Roses

~A rose is(n't just) a rose?... Cut those rose buds and bring them inside for you new bud vases! Save the peddles, too. The outer mixed color hybrid roses have no fragrance but the center floppy one... does! Most that man created after about 1885 lost their wonderful aroma. That makes the ones that still have the right genetic smells even more special... like that little imperfect darling in the middle! Humm? ~(:-_))-kfh
~ ps: The eggplant has big sharp thorns, too!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Up Side Down

~If that's me (and it is!) that little white triangle is under my lower lip. The white cap lookin' thing is my beard... I think? You know what that means__ I am upsidedown. The focal plane is not quite in the right place but I'm going post up with it anyway! ~(:-_))kfh
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Infer-read Secret

~ Usually that strange center coloring indicates some kind of directional message to those little fly-by pollenators? I suspect there is lots more in a spectrum we don't see in... but I do not really know. The fun comes in for you to take a closer look and then make a guess___ I'm thinkin' like big long one-way pointers? So what do you think?
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Courtyard Garden

~ I think they could see me. Thought I was a danger but next time I'll have... bread crumbs! ~(:-_))-kfh
Monday, April 17, 2006
Racetrack Eagle

~This most beautiful photo is also by my good friend Dave__ who I exercise with regularly. This most beautiful bird lives just a little South of the Datona Florida Racetrack. Dave had his camera with him while playing a vacation round of golf recently... so this is a free-standing telephoto & quick shot, which I really like!
~Those wide spaced Florida pine trees that give off such a delightful aroma also nest well for our national treasure of a bald eagle. These birds stack their new nests on top of last years old nest. These big preditors like to eat fish so this home must have the right sea-side combinations by the size of that nest! I can feel the coastal waters in that azere blue, cloudless of a back drop sky... just minuets as a bird flys South of old St. Augustine.
~I like to think that my Dad let me drive his new 1953 Ford on the beach right near this much younger tree. Back in the early days of Datona Beach auto racing, they raced on the hard sandy beach. I drove on that same beach for miles, sitting almost on top of my father... many times! We vacationed in St. Petersburg every Christmas back then and I don't think Dave knows about my little connection to his superb photo yet?
~This is one of those coinsidental things that makes me smile. Thanks Dave! It's another great photo, of your many. Oh, I forgot a another good part, Dave could hear the practice racecars roaring from where he stood to take this most memorable of digital photographs!
~Those wide spaced Florida pine trees that give off such a delightful aroma also nest well for our national treasure of a bald eagle. These birds stack their new nests on top of last years old nest. These big preditors like to eat fish so this home must have the right sea-side combinations by the size of that nest! I can feel the coastal waters in that azere blue, cloudless of a back drop sky... just minuets as a bird flys South of old St. Augustine.
~I like to think that my Dad let me drive his new 1953 Ford on the beach right near this much younger tree. Back in the early days of Datona Beach auto racing, they raced on the hard sandy beach. I drove on that same beach for miles, sitting almost on top of my father... many times! We vacationed in St. Petersburg every Christmas back then and I don't think Dave knows about my little connection to his superb photo yet?
~This is one of those coinsidental things that makes me smile. Thanks Dave! It's another great photo, of your many. Oh, I forgot a another good part, Dave could hear the practice racecars roaring from where he stood to take this most memorable of digital photographs!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Frick & Frack
~Who are those two odd looking characters? Frick & Frack: "The Clack Brothers" did the voice-overs in my version of TurboTax this year. You know__ the automotive dudes on radio who take all those problem calls.
Clix-pix all:
~Now the problem here (two suckulent photos) is NOT ENOUGH ROCKS! They were looking good for my close-ups and as in recent transplants. I'm very sorry now that I did not get a good shot of the little chicks that appear on horizontal runners. That missing photo would explain the name much better... Hens & Chicks grow somewhat like strawberries do.
~ Oh well, neither above made it through the winter's cold and winds.
Clix-pix all:
~Now the problem here (two suckulent photos) is NOT ENOUGH ROCKS! They were looking good for my close-ups and as in recent transplants. I'm very sorry now that I did not get a good shot of the little chicks that appear on horizontal runners. That missing photo would explain the name much better... Hens & Chicks grow somewhat like strawberries do.
~ Oh well, neither above made it through the winter's cold and winds.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
One true VINE

~These four cropped windows were Ray's idea yet he had absolutely no idea of what it all ment to me. He used this up-down composite for the first page of introduction and proper dedications... after a il'more clip & clean-up.
Friday, March 03, 2006

~It's not only what but how they share the light. Getting out of the plants vertical growth way and reaching in unison for the warmth of sun light: these gallarida share the same idea. The five bud runners are making the best of a tightly potted situation. Fanning out in a directed like manor and not all at once but sequenced to take full advantage of the limited opening for light. What a wonderful way to share and struggle for the opportunity to answer God's call... to seed and multiply. The dynamics of this flowers presentation is interwoven with enviormental signals that have served it's needs and other life forms for a time beyond our measure.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Late August 2005:
click the pix

"The moon raced over the weather, slowly changing from clear skys to full overcast... I adjusted & kept shooting. The warm evening winds climbed until the partial cloud cover had over taken my camera learning experience, subject conditions & bright silver opportunity." ~(:-_))kfh
~More notes: The origional photo uploaded contained the eFlour D'lie ~ D'luna enlargment photo. I assume it will come down from when my Casheblog is deleted. Then I changed it to the "switch photo enlargment" at Click-pix Photoblog. The one above shows the existing moon site conditions that I enjoyed for the four slit digipix insert . That weather front change moved in, the clouds racing over the full moon was magical and so wonderful... I hold it with me forever in pleasant memory!